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Cleaning a Wooden Chopping Board Sprinkle some salt on your chopping board and rub half a lemon or lime around the whole area. The salt scrubs and the citrus disinfects. Leave for around ten minutes then rinse and dry. Do this on a regular basis to keep the germs away. Cleaning Grout Make a paste […]
There are certain areas in your home that are often missed. This can be due to slapdash or lack of time or not really knowing how to clean properly. Here are some areas we frequently find dirty or dusty. Skirting Boards Often neglected and get dusty and scuff marked. They really only need cleaning once […]
Bread Bread is the natural alternative to a synthetic sponge, and does the same thing, soak up liquid. It can be used for dusting, wiping walls, soaking up spillages and any general cleaning. Ketchup Great for cleaning your copper, brass and silver. Just rub on with a clean dry cloth, leave for a while and […]
Dog hair seems to accumulate on your carpets faster than you can remove it, in fact, it’s an ongoing nightmare. However, if you know what you are doing it really isn’t that hard to keep on top of it and here’s how. Vacuum Buy a vacuum cleaner with a pet attachment and use it frequently. […]