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Contrary to popular belief, proper vacuuming of your home involves more than dragging the vacuum cleaner across the floor while making quick sweeping motions. That is, if you want to do a proper job of it… Using the appropriate machine attachments and vacuuming techniques will extend the life of your carpet and create a healthier environment. […]

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From Top to Bottom, here are the healthiest and gentlest ways to fight dirt and grime in your home Disinfect the healthy way You know it’s out there: dust, dirt and grime which is all around your home, on your sponge, in your cupboards, and even on you. But how the heck do you give dirt […]

Here are several different recipes for mixing up your own cleaners for hardwood flooring, just a few simple ingredients are all that’s required. Keep in mind that a little goes a long way, you just need enough liquid to dampen the mop (or cloth) and scrub away. If you’re happy to damp mop with straight […]

This is one of mother nature’s most powerful disinfectants, so its a great idea to clean with it! Here are a few different homemade cleaners which use Eucalyptus oil and can be used to freshen your home. For Floors: Add 1 tablespoon of liquid castile soap to 1 gallon of hot water and 1/3 cup Borax. Mix in […]

A mix of chlorine bleach and water is an effective household disinfectant (and it’s cheap too!), but the bleach is pretty harsh on fabrics, skin and the environment (and a bit stinky too). The good news is that you can still make homemade germ killer cleaners using fresh or dried herbs, essential oils, vinegar and other […]

Pollution is hazardous for your heart and can wreak havoc if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD stands for two processes that almost always occur together: chronic bronchitis, which is inflammation of the airways, and emphysema, which is destruction of the fine substance of the lung. But the air inside your […]

Deciding whether to dust or vacuum first is a valid house-cleaning concern. It seems reasonable to assume that because dusting may send a certain amount of dust to the floor it is better to dust first and vacuum second. But, as you will find out, that may not be the best sequence. Dusting and Vacuuming […]

How to keep your entire house in order and germ-free. You’ve worked hard to make your house a beautiful, peaceful haven—but even super-tidy homes can harbour unwelcome germs. In fact, “you’re more likely to get sick from a germ in your own house than from any other source. But, not to worry: we’ve tracked down […]

Get Organized Now.  Do room by room to clean, organise and declutter.  Do one room a month Getting organized and staying that way are difficult jobs for most of us. We try other people’s tools, methods or ideas for organizing our lives, then end up frustrated because we stop using those tools.  Using complicated methods […]

Cleaning a child’s room and keeping it clean can be a source of frustration and irritation for both children and parents alike. However, it need not be a constant source of friction. Creating a system for cleaning a child’s room and teaching the system to the child by modeling the behavior and helping the child […]

Most people hate doint the ironing.. In fact, a lot of people avoid it altogether. However, the reluctance of many to iron clothes is simply caused by a failure of understanding how to iron clothes properly. Learning the right steps to ironing clothes should make the process somewhat easier for you. The process starts after washing your laundry in […]