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Your guests are arriving in 15 minutes and your house is a Mess! Don’t stress! Here are some tips and strategies for cleaning your house in 15 minutes—or at least giving the appearance of having a clean spotless home. A great deal can be achieved in a few short minutes if you’re smart with your time and strategic with […]

National Clean Up Your computer Month is every January. With the cold outside, January is a good time to clean up your computer on the inside and out. There are several things you can do to keep your computer running smoothly.  Use a small vacuum cleaner for your keyboard, canned air for the inside of […]

Contrary to popular belief, proper vacuuming of your home involves more than dragging the vacuum cleaner across the floor while making quick sweeping motions. That is, if you want to do a proper job of it… Using the appropriate machine attachments and vacuuming techniques will extend the life of your carpet and create a healthier environment. […]

Here are several different recipes for mixing up your own cleaners for hardwood flooring, just a few simple ingredients are all that’s required. Keep in mind that a little goes a long way, you just need enough liquid to dampen the mop (or cloth) and scrub away. If you’re happy to damp mop with straight […]

Pollution is hazardous for your heart and can wreak havoc if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD stands for two processes that almost always occur together: chronic bronchitis, which is inflammation of the airways, and emphysema, which is destruction of the fine substance of the lung. But the air inside your […]

Cleaning up a flea infestation in the home takes patience because for every flea found on an animal, there could be many more developing in the home. A spot-on insecticide will kill the fleas on the pet and in turn the pet itself will be a roving flea trap and mop up newly hatched fleas. The […]